Insurance polies of certificates in negotiable form, in duplicate and endorsed to the order of hang seng bank LTD. 证书的4.insurancepolies以可磋商的形式,一式两份和支持到悬挂seng的次序存入银行公司HongKong依照大海人的保险co的海产货物子句包含的所有危险。
You are required to complete a form in duplicate when opening an account in a bank. 在银行开账户时,你要填一份双联式表格。
Usually now we ask for a draft in duplicate. 现在我们通常要求草稿一式两份。
This letter of intent is made in duplicate, each party holding one, with the same legal effect. 意向书一式二份,双方各持一份,具有同等法律效力。
He shall sign the prescribed form in duplicate and deliver one copy to each of the parties. 则须签署订明的表格,一式两份,交予双方各一份。
Applicant should submit the following documents in duplicate. 申请人须付下列文件影印本各二份。
Keeping your device data may result in duplicate items. 保留设备数据将导致项目重复。
Enclosed be our program invoice in duplicate. 随函附上我方估价单一式两份。
We attach hereto our purchase contract NO.123 in duplicate with our signature. 兹附上我们已签名的第123号购买合同一式两份。
Liquid controls performed in a hemocytometer should be run in duplicate. 血球计数板上做液体质控应做两份。
Please advise how much we can realize on this consignment. Please send us your Sales Confirmation in duplicate. 请告知该批寄售货能卖多少钱?请寄售货确认书一式二份。
This agreement is made in duplicate in both Chinese and English languages, both texts are equally authentic. 本协议由中英两种文字书写,一式两份,两种文本具有同样效力。
Please fill in this draft in duplicate and sign it. 请填写表格备份并签名。
The installations tested were of two kinds, each in duplicate. 试验中采用的装置有两种,每一种两份。
Please complete in duplicate and in BLOCK letters. Delete as appropriate. 请用正楷填写及呈效正副本各一。删去不适用者。
The contract is in duplicate, either of the two parties preserves one. 本合同一式两份中的一份,一方保存。
This agreement is in duplicate, both of which have the same effect in law. 本约定一式两份,甲乙方各执一份,并具有同等法律效力。
Based on the results of equipment acceptance, equipment acceptance certificate shall be made in duplicate, one copy for the contractor and the customer. 根据设备验收结果,“设备验收证书”应一式两份,承包商和业主各持一份。
Each shipment shall include a delivery note in duplicate listing our order number, item number and supplier number. 每单装运信息均应包括提货单一式两份,其中列明我们的订单编号、产品编号和供应商编号。
Complete a form, prepare a contract, etc in duplicate. 填写表格、准备合同等一式两份。
We are pleased to confirm the above order from you and are sending you our Sales Confirmation No.HZ1034 in duplicate, one copy of which is to be countersigned and returned for our file. 对于贵方以上订单,我方现特此予以确认并寄上我方第HZ1034号销售确认书一式两份,请予以会签并寄回我方一份存档。
Invoices are to be sent in duplicate, separately for each complete delivery, stating the order data, to the address of the purchaser or to the cost centre named by the purchaser. 发票应寄送两份,每份应单独寄送。发票中应注明订单数据,注明采购商的地址和采购商指定的费用明细。
Applications should be submitted in duplicate. 申请书应提交双份。
Therefore, if the one-sided pursuit of its technology, which will result in duplicate construction. 因此,如果片面的追求技术的先进性,就会造成重复建设。
An alert notification was properly sent but there was a problem updating the database. This may result in duplicate notifications sent to the user. 已正确发送通知电子邮件,但在更新数据库时出现问题。这可能导致重复的通知发送给用户。
We enclose our confirmation of purchase in duplicate please sing one copy and return to us for our record. 随函寄上我方购货确认书一式两份&请在其中一份上签字并寄还我方存档。